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Creating XCP-NG Server Pool

In XCP-ng, a "pool" refers to a grouping of multiple XenServer hosts (physical machines) that work together to manage and share virtual machine resources. This pooling functionality allows administrators to centralize management tasks and create a unified resource pool for virtualization.


Before you can start creating a server pool, make sure you have added all the physical XCP-NG hosts to your Xen Orchestra instance. 

Adding XCP-NG Hosts to Xen Orchestra

Once you have added all the physical hosts to Xen Orchestra, they will show up as individual pools at first. For example, four invidual physical XCP-NG hosts will be four individual pools.

We will create and add all those individual hosts into one single pool in the next steps.

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Creating a Server Pool

Login to your Xen Orchestra webUI, then click on the Pools option.

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Here, you will see that all the individual XCP-NG physical hosts as its own individual pool. 

Click on one of them. This will become the main server pool. 

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On the top right, click on the Add Host option.

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Select the other physical XCP-NG host to add to this pool.

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Repeat until you have selected all the physical XCP-NG hosts that you want to be part of the server pool, then click OK.

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That's it! You should now see that there are multiple hosts as part of the pool now. 

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If you click on the hosts option, you will see all the physcial hosts of the pool. 

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