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XCP-NG Managing XCP-NG with Xen Orchestra

XCP-NG uses mdadm for its software RAID, if you have selected the RAID option during the XCP-NG i...

Updated 1 week ago by Dillon

Bulk Delete Page Revision

BookStack Configurations

SSH into your Bookstack instance. Navigate to the Bookstack directory, and run the folliowing: p...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

neofetch - Display System Info in Terminal

Linux Packages

As of 2024-04-26, neofetch is in public archive and no longer maintained.

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

rsync - Easily Transfer and Synchronize Files Between Computers

Linux Packages

rsync is a great utility that can be use for transferring files to and from a remote computer. It...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Regenerating SSH Host Keys

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

If you need to regenerate the SSH Host keys on a system, such as after you clone an Linux system ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Adding SSH Public Key and Disable SSH Password Authentication

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

Paste the SSH Public key inside the authorized_keys file in the .ssh folder of the user’s home di...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Disk Usage - Check Free Spaces Available

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

You can use the df command on a Linux system to check the available disk space. df You might ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Apt-based Package Manager Update and Upgrade

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

pwd, cd, & ls

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

pwd – present working directory – shows the full path of the current directory you are in pwd ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Enable Password Feedback

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

Add the line Default pwfeedback to the sudoer file to enable asterisks when typing in passwords f...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon


Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

passwd can be used to change a user’s password, or force password change upon next login Change ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Change Timezone

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

sed - quickly serach and replace text in a file

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

The command sed is a very powerful command that can be use to add, delete, or modify text in an f...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Setting Static IPs

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

Run the command ip link or ifconfig on the system to find out the Ethernet adapter name #Debian ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

hostnamectl - Change the current hostname

Linux Command Lines Quick Reference

The command hostnamectl can be use to quickly change the hostname of the Linux host. Running hos...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Xen Orchestra Appliance

XCP-NG Options for Managing XCP-NG Hosts

Xen Orchestra is an open-source web-based platform for managing and monitoring XCP-NG and Citrix ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

XCP-NG Center

XCP-NG Options for Managing XCP-NG Hosts

XCP-NG Center is a community maintained project that provides a management option for XCP-NG on W...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

2024 - DIY to the next level

My HomeLab Hardware

Another year, another set of change. In this field, the only constant is change.  I was able to ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Dillon

Install Docker Engine on Debian

Docker Docker Engine

Installing Docker Engine on Debian is a very striaght forward process. Add the official Docker re...

Updated 2 months ago by Dillon

Backup and Restore ESXI Host Config

VMWare ESXI Configuration

If you are running ESXI free license in your home lab environment, chances are, you might have wo...

Updated 2 months ago by Dillon