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UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
UFW is a simple package on Linux systems for managing the system firewall. It can be use to allow...
The Unattended-upgrades package allows for automatic security updates to be installed on Linux sy...
How to install Debian 12 Bookworm
Debian is known for its stability, robustness, and adherence to free software principles. Each De...
Backup and Restore
Backup Backing up Bookstack is pretty striaght forward. Simply backup the Bookstack database and...
Backup and Restore RouterOS Config
Backup RouterOS Config Go to Files, and then click on Backup. Give the Backup a name. Option...
Adding a New Admin User
Login to the RouterOS device via the WebUI, and go to Systems -> Users, and select Add New. E...
Updating BookStack
Update the base OS system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y If your BookStack Instance ...
Enable HTTPS for WebGUI
To use HTTPS for the RouterOS WebGUI, first we would need to upload a certificate to the RouterOS...
VLAN Steup
Show Existing VLANs show vlan Create VLAN vlan VLAN_ID name VLAN_Name Tag Ports tagged e...
Updating RouterOS
Login to the MikroTik device using WinBox, and click on Quick Set on the top left. This will br...
Set RouterOS to use DHCP for Management IP
Login to the MikroTik device using WinBox, and click on Quick Set on the top left. This will br...
Connecting to RouterOS using WinBox
Downloading WinBox WinBox is a Windows-based configuration utility developed by MikroTik for man...
High Availability Pi-Hole Setup using Keepalived
A high availability Pi-Hole setup takes redundancy to the next level, through the use of Gravity ...
Set your Window Computer’s DNS to Pi-Hole
Since everyone will have different network setup, it is best to do some research on the router yo...
Intsalling Pi-Hole on Raspberry Pi
In this guide, I will guide you through how to set up Pi-Hole for your network. Because Pi-Hole i...
Updating Pi-Hole
Updating Pi-Hole is an easy task. First, make sure your base OS is up to date. On Raspberry Pi OS...
Use Pi-Hole with NGINX for HTTPS WebGUI Access
The default installation of Pi-Hole gives you an option to use the lighttpd webserver, which is a...
If you are familiar with rsync on Linux, you will appreciate this Windows command line tool - rob...
Start the Installation Process
Plug the USB installer into the machine, and boot into TrueNAS. After a while, you will ...
Download and Prepare Installation Media Once you have decided on your hardware and built the mac...