If you need reliability and stability for a 24/7 server deployment, a Linux OS is the only way to go, and one of most stable Linux OS for servers is Debian Stable.
How to install Debian 11 Bullseye
Debian Stable is a great OS base to use for a homelab. It’s compatible and supported by many soft...
Nvidia Driver and Driver Unlock on Debain 11 Bullseye
If you have a Nvidia GPU and would like to use the NVENC hardware for applications such as Plex o...
How to install Debian 12 Bookworm
Debian is known for its stability, robustness, and adherence to free software principles. Each De...
Upgrading Debian Version
Upgrading Debian from one version to the next is actually a simple, straight forward process. All...
Installing a Desktop Environment
If you forgot to install a desktop environment on your Debian system during the install process, ...