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What is SimpleLogin?

SimpleLogin is an email alias service that lets users create disposable email addresses to enhance online privacy and manage their online interactions more efficiently. These aliases can be used to shield the user's primary email from spam and unwanted sign-ups.

When you create an alias with SimpleLogin, you can choose to receive emails sent to that alias in your primary email inbox. This ensures that your primary email remains hidden from the prying eyes of spammers, telemarketers, and potential data breaches. If one of your aliases starts receiving spam or unwanted messages, you can simply disable or delete it, without affecting your main email account. 

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SimpleLogin offers a straightforward and affordable pricing model. For just $30 per year, users can access the full suite of features and benefits that SimpleLogin has to offer.

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.edu Student Discounts

If you sign up for SimpleLogin using your .edu email account, you can request a lifetime 50% off coupon for the yearly subscription. You'll enjoy a 50% discount on your annual subscription bringing the cost down to just $15 per year. This discount lasts even after you graduated or leave the institution. 

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Getting Started

To get started, simply click on the Sign Up option, and create your new SimpleLogin account. 

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