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Script Installation on Debian 12

Currently, installing KASM is very straight forward for Single-Server installation. The KASM team have provided an official, scripted install method to get you started.

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Prerequisites for Debian 12 Minimal Installations

On a fresh, new Debian 12 Minimal Installations, you will need to install the following prerequisites packages first:

sudo apt install curl

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Install KASM Workspace

Change to the /tmp directory, and download the KASM packages with curl:

cd /tmp
curl -O

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Extract the tar file:

tar -xf kasm_release_1.14.0.3a7abb.tar.gz

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Run the script installer:

sudo bash kasm_release/

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Agree to the EULA

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The script installer will begin to install and setup KASM. Once completed, you will see the initial config details, as well as the initial user account credentials. 

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Self-Sign SSL Cert

If you have an public SSL cert or an external self-signed SSL cert, you can import it into KASM.

First, stop the KASM service.

sudo /opt/kasm/bin/stop

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Copy and override the existing kasm_nginx.crt and kasm_nginx.key with your own SSL cert, then restart the KASM service.

sudo /opt/kasm/bin/start

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Access KASM in the Browser

If you have UFW enabled on your system, make sure you allow HTTPS on UFW:

sudo ufw status verbose
sudo ufw allow https

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That's it! Head over to your KASM server's FQDN or IP address in a browser, and login with the provided credential. 

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