Open-Source, simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organizing and storing information.
BookStack requires the following software dependencies: PHP Version 8.1 or higher As of 202...
Manual Installation on Debian
For this guide, I am will be using NGINX as the webserver, MariaDB as the database, and PHP versi...
Bash Script Installation on Debian
Based on the Manual Installation steps, I have created a simple bash script to automate the BookS...
Updating BookStack
Update the base OS system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y If your BookStack Instance ...
Changing BookStack Instance URL
If you ever need to change the BookStack instance's URL, run the following command within the Boo...
Increase Upload Size
By default, PHP and NGINX configs have the default upload limit of 2MB. This limit can be increa...
Limit Login to Certain IP Addresses
By default, BookStack does not have built-in support for limiting access to the login page. Howe...
Backup and Restore
Backup Backing up Bookstack is pretty striaght forward. Simply backup the Bookstack database and...
Bulk Delete Page Revision
SSH into your Bookstack instance. Navigate to the Bookstack directory, and run the folliowing: p...