View and Kill Task (Running Processes) on Remote Workstations
View Task
tasklist lists current processes running on the machine.
tasklist /s remote_computer_IP_or_FQDN /u domain\username /p password
If CMD is launched as Domain Admin user, you can run the command without specifying remote username and password.
tasklist -S remote_PC_IP_or_FQDN
tasklist flags:
- /s : Specify remote machine IP or FQDN
- /u : username for the remote machine, in the format domain\username
- /p : password of the username
Kill Task
taskkill can be use to end a running task.
taskkill /s remote_PC_IP_or_FQDN /u domain\username /p password /FI "IMAGENAME eq task_name.exe"
taskkill flags:
- /s : Specify remote machine IP or FQDN
- /u : username for the remote machine, in the format domain\username
- /p : password of the username
- /FI : filter options
- /f : Force
- /t : Also ends child processes
- /pid : Process ID
- /im : Process name