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Script Installtion on Debian

Prerequisites for Debian 11 Minimal Installations

Install Git

sudo apt install git

Screenshot 2022-10-24 233503.png

Install curl

sudo apt install curl

Screenshot 2022-10-25 002709.png

Install SearXNG

Clone the github repository to a local folder.folder, that ALL users on the Linux system can read from. This is because a new user called searxng will be created by the script, and the new user will need to read from the cloned repository. 

You can clone into the /var/tmp folder to avoid running into any read permission issues during the script installation. 

cd /var/tmp

The official repository is at: Documentation can be found at

git clone searxng

Screenshot 2022-10-25 000139.png

Change directory into the searxng folder.

cd searxng

Screenshot 2022-10-25 002906.png

Run the official script installer. Details of the script can be found at

sudo -H ./utils/ install all

Screenshot 2022-10-25 003215.png

The script will start off by updating repository and installing the required packages. Once packages are installed, script will pause and ask for user interaction to continue to the next phase, which is creating a searx user.

Press ANY Key to continue.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 003515.png

Cloning source into searx user directory.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004046.png

Creating python virtual env.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004142.png

Create initial settings file.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004338.png

Automated initial testing.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004454.png

Install uwsgi

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004645.png

Install redis

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004816.png

Screenshot 2022-10-25 004848.png

Screenshot 2022-10-25 005034.png

And finally, the script is finish.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 005110.png

Install Webserver

Before SearXNG can be use, we will need to install a webserver. SearXNG does not have any preference for which web server to use, so choose the web server you're most familiar with. 

I am using NGINX as my web server, so for this guide, I will be going over setting up NGINX for SearXNG. SearXNG's official NGINX documentation can be found here:

On Debian 11, you can run the following command to install NGINX from the stable package repository, As of 2022-10-25, the stable package repository contains NGINX version 18.0.

sudo apt install nginx

Screenshot 2022-10-25 221420.png

You can check that NGINX is successfully install by checking the NGINX version.

sudo nginx -v

Screenshot 2022-10-25 221624.png

Using your preferred text editor (like nano), create a new config file for SearXNG at /etc/nginx/sites-available/ , and paste the following: 

server {
	#Enable this if you want to use plain HTTP
#   Listen 80;    

	#Disable the following if you do not want HTTPS
    listen 443 ssl;
    #Domain name of your SearXNG Server
    server_name SearXNG_Server_FQDN;

    #Disable Logs
    access_log /dev/null;
    error_log /dev/null;
    #Disable NGINX current version reporting on error pages
	server_tokens off;

    root /var/www/html;
    index index.html index.htm;
    #SSL Cert location if you are using HTTPS
    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/your_SSL_Cert;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/your_SSL_Cert_Key;

    #Force strong TLS
    ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;

    #Disable weak ciphers

    #SearXNG location
    location / {

    uwsgi_pass unix:///usr/local/searxng/run/socket;

    include uwsgi_params;

    uwsgi_param    HTTP_HOST             $host;
    uwsgi_param    HTTP_CONNECTION       $http_connection;

    # see
    uwsgi_param    HTTP_X_SCHEME         $scheme;
    uwsgi_param    HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME    /searxng;

    # see
    uwsgi_param    HTTP_X_REAL_IP        $remote_addr;
    uwsgi_param    HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Screenshot 2022-10-25 230741.png

Screenshot 2022-10-25 235610.png

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/searxng /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/searxng

Test the NGINX config file

sudo nginx -t

Screenshot 2022-10-25 230951.png

Enable NGINX service at boot, and restart NGINX.

#Enable NGINX at boot
sudo systemctl enable nginx

#Restart NGINX
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Screenshot 2022-10-25 231150.png

Testing SearXNG

Once you have your webserver setup, navigate to the website in the browser. You should see the SearXNG search bar now.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 235754.png